Our Team

About Founder Members

  1. Late Shri Ramanath Jha (B.Sc., LLB.): Eminent Jurist, Lawyer and Advocate at Saharsha Distt, Philanthropist, Educationist
  2. Shri Madhav Jha: Retired from SAIL (Steel Authority of India Ltd.), distinguished service of 30 years at Bokaro steel plant, post retirement he has been devoting his tenure in Career counselling to the students of civil services and penchant for metaphysics.
  3. Shri Adityanath Jha (B.Sc. Agriculture, Allahabad University); 30 years of Distinguished service in regional rural bank as scale II branch manager;


About Think Tank & ADVISORY BOARD

  1. Prof. (Dr.) A.K. Choudhary (MBA; Phd), Vice Chancelor BIR TIKENDRAJIT UNIVERSITY.
  2. Pravin Jha (Founder, Director, CEO): Post-graduated from Deptt of Geography, Delhi School of economics, MBA (Jagan Institute of Management Studies), LLB; Motivational Speaker & Corporate Trainer; 15 years of experience in the teaching & training in the Field of education. Guided various aspirant of civil services in geography optional & General studies.
  3. Dr. G.K. Thakur: Retired Prof, Head of University, Deptt. of English, BRA University. Muzaffarpur; Former Dean & Faculty of Humanity.
  4. Dr. Pratibha Thakur (MBA, MCA, Phd)


Organisational Heads & Management Team

  1. Mr. A.N. Jha (Director- Finance & Accounts)
  2. Mrs. Shalini Verma (Chief Manager - HR & Corporate Communication), 15 Years Of Experience In HR.



  1. Manish Kumar - Delhi, 8920888124
  2. Dr. Govind Sharma - (Jaipur & Rajasthan) 6377016612/8920888124
  3. Soni Kumari & Mukesh Kumar (Noida, Ghaziabad and UP) - 9667261910/8920888124
  4. Rakhi Kumari & Basant Kumar - 9877203638/8920888124
  5. Namita Singh - (Bihar & Jharkhand) 7992281251/8920888124
  6. For Other Parts Of India - 8920888124