Current Affairs

Current Affairs is exclusively important as it weighs 50% of marks in all the three stages of upsc examinations. In the  current Dynamic Environment a civil servant is required to have proper understanding of what is happening around him and how it affects the country and administration. It also helps the civil servant to execute his duty and transforming opportunities into challenges. Therefore it has become the imperative for UPSC to incorporate it in curriculum. Of course various aspects of traditional knowledge, incorporating with the current affair gives you a UPSC QUALITY.

At MIIAS we prepare the student and acquaint them with various aspect and cover the all important news papers, Yojana ,Kurukshetra, Reports of administrative reform commission and various other sources from government publications. This is to bring in your attention that current affair helps to fetch you very good marks in the essay paper exclusively.

Questions pertaining to Prelims ,Mains, and interviews are discussed altogether.